Frost, L. & McGowan, J. (2011). Strategies for transitioning from PECS to SGD. Part 1: Overview and device selection.

Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 20, 114-120. [AUTHORS=”Frost L/McGowan J”] [RESEARCH CATEGORIES=”SGD/PECS”] [RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS=”Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication”] [EXCLUDE...

Bondy, A. & Frost, L. (2011). A Picture’s Worth: PECS and other visual strategies in autism: 2nd Edition.

Baltimore, MD: Woodbine House. [AUTHORS=”Bondy A./Frost L”] [RESEARCH CATEGORIES=”PECS”] [RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS=”Woodbine House”] [EXCLUDE LATEST]

Frost, L. and Bondy, A. (2003). Using PECS with verbal children.

Autism Asperger’s digest, 2003, Mar.-Apr., pp. 24-25, 31. [AUTHORS=”Frost L/Bondy A.”] [RESEARCH CATEGORIES=”Speech/PECS”] [RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS=”Autism Asperger’s digest”] [EXCLUDE...

Bondy, A. & Frost, L. (2002). A Picture’s Worth: PECS and other visual strategies in autism. Baltimore, MD: Woodbine House.

Baltimore, MD: Woodbine House [AUTHORS=”Bondy A./Frost L”] [RESEARCH CATEGORIES=”PECS”] [RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS=”Baltimore, MD: Woodbine House”] [EXCLUDE LATEST]

Frost, L. & Bondy, A. (2002). The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Training Manual, 2nd Edition. Newark, DE. Pyramid Products, Inc.


Bondy, A. & Frost, L. (1995) Educational approaches in preschool: Behavioral techniques in a public school setting.

In E. Schopler & G. Mesibov (Eds.). Learning and Cognition in Autism. (pp. 311-333). New York: Plenum Pub. Co. [AUTHORS=”Bondy A./Frost L”] [RESEARCH CATEGORIES=”Pyramid Approach to Education”] [RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS=”Learning and...