Our Company

At Pyramid, it is our goal to help individuals with developmental disabilities, autism, and/or communication challenges learn to shape their own lives and participate in the world around them. Using a blend of broad spectrum applied behavior analysis and practices supported by research and positive results, we give learners the skills to tell you what they want, what they need, what they see, and the unique educational environments they need to learn and grow towards greater independence.

The company was founded in 1992 by Andy Bondy, PhD., and Lori Frost, MS, CCC-SLP, developers of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and the Pyramid Approach to Education. They developed these practices with a focus on functional communication, learning, and designing teaching strategies to support learners  in their everyday environments and activities. As the company expanded across the United States and into other countries, more and more learners of all ages, along with their families, teachers, and support teams, benefited and continue to benefit from PECS and the Pyramid Approach.

Our Mission

Pyramid Educational Consultants is the worldwide source for both the Pyramid Approach to Education and the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). Our goal is to provide the highest quality of training, consultation and support to parents, caregivers and professionals in the field of autism and developmental disabilities. Using functional, practical and evidence based interventions, our aim is to teach individuals how to effectively communicate, function independently and be productive in their schools, home, place of employment and community.

Our team now spans the globe and is made up of professionals from a variety of backgrounds who share a passion for giving people of all ages the skills that will help them navigate their lives in the present and in the future. We provide training in a wide range of topics, including PECS, the Pyramid Approach to Education, communication, and behavior. We offer consultation in home, school, work and community settings, to help you and your team figure out what strategies will best suit your learner. If you have questions or want to connect with others experiencing similar challenges, you can join our online community. We also offer a selection of products designed for use with PECS and for assisting learners in the classroom, community and throughout their daily lives. You can check out our videos demonstrating our products and we’re always happy to help as you choose which materials will work best for you.

We know you are dedicated to helping your learner make the best life for him or herself, and we would like to support you in this process.


When families and educators began to witness the positive effects of the strategies Lori Frost, MS, CCC-SLP and Andy Bondy, PhD had created to help children in classroom settings, the pair received many requests to guide others in implementing their systems. The next step was to form a company that would allow them to dedicate themselves to bringing the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and the Pyramid Approach to Education to a wider audience, so they established Pyramid Educational Consultants in 1992. They taught their first workshop in Texas in 1993 and the company soon expanded to include additional consultants to help deliver trainings and support individual clients. Professionals in other countries also began to seek training and the first international Pyramid office was established in the United Kingdom, with offices in other countries soon to follow. Reviewed and supported by experts in the field in the years since they were developed, materials on PECS and the Pyramid Approach were translated into multiple languages, bringing communication skills and learning strategies to learners around the world.

Where We Are Today

Pyramid Office
Pyramid Services Provided

Our consultants operate in countries all over the world, bringing effective strategies and positive changes to the lives of individuals with a variety of needs, goals, and perspectives. The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and the Pyramid Approach to Education are widely respected in the fields of autism and applied behavior analysis and trusted by those who use them every day to communicate, learn, work, and live. To date our foundational texts, The PECS Training Manual and The Pyramid Approach to Education, have been updated and translated into 15 languages. Pyramid operates offices in 15 countries and continues to grow. In addition, we collaborate with local organizations around the world to make our methods accessible to anyone who can benefit from them.

Who We Help

Children & Adults

Our services help individuals with autism and a range of other challenges, from developmental delays and physical and intellectual disabilities to hearing impairment, brain injuries, and any other conditions that pose obstacles to everyday functional activities. Learners with limited vocal communication gain a voice through the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), learning to interact and build skills for a lifetime of learning. Using the Pyramid Approach to Education, we adapt the classroom to students’ diverse needs, helping them learn effectively from the very beginning. We use the same tools to assist teenagers and adults as they navigate school, work, and community. As our clients and their support teams figure out what shape their lives will take, we help them develop the functional skills they can apply to their daily interactions and activities.

When we consult with individuals, we take a unique approach each time, first listening to what they want to achieve and then implementing the plan that works best for their team. We can meet you in whatever location and through whatever mode works best for you, at home, school, or a treatment center, online via live remote, or through phone or video consultation.


Through our trainings and workshops, we give professionals the tools they need to start teaching their students functional skills right away. With the theoretical foundation, practical examples, and opportunities for hands-on practice with an experienced consultant, each of our workshops will prepare you to implement our protocols. Our workshops cover a range of topics and are attended by professionals in a variety of fields. Whatever your role and whoever you work with, we aim to provide you with the guidance to adapt our methods to your specific environment.

Our consultants work with schools and facilities to support them in using our systems to build better learning environments. Giving each student the functional skills they need to navigate their everyday life fosters an inclusive, interactive learning environment in which everyone is supported in achieving their potential. We can help you organize your classroom and curriculum using the Pyramid Approach, assist your team in creating and working towards shared goals, and collaborate to overcome obstacles as your learners develop their skills.


Being able to communicate with each other allows all family members to thrive and become better able to support each other. Our strategies are meant to help individuals succeed not only in a classroom but at home, in their community, and everywhere they go, and caregivers and siblings are important team members in this process. We have designed our tools to be useful for all members of the family and easily incorporated into busy schedules, providing opportunities throughout the week to communicate and build skills. Some families work with us in the beginning to get their learner started, while we’ve built consulting relationships with some families over many years. Whatever the time we spend with your family, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

Parents attending our trainings are empowered to use our methods through practical advice, demonstration, and role-playing. Our consultants will lead you through the theoretical foundations and prepare you to use these tools and strategies with your child right away. We’re always happy to provide guidance as you move forward, answering your questions and helping you to approach challenges as they arise.